Karina ~ Puerto Rico

Hi! I am Karina Santillo Elizarraz.

I am a mom to 2 great kids, step mom to 3 more great kids, wife, daughter, sister, friend, therapist and now....co captain of Odyssey, A Nordhavn 55!

I grew up in Southern California, raised by my two Argentinian parents. We grew up with a love for the ocean but never ventured out onto her. It was mostly boogie boarding and spending days camping at the beach.

I discovered my true love for the water when my husband Robert took me out on a 52 ft Catamaran on our honeymoon. Lucky for him I did not get seasick, (what a honeymoon that would have turned out to be!) but instead absolutely fell in love with living on the ocean. We decided then and there that one day, when the kids were grown we would buy a boat and float away into the sunset...happily ever after.

Well the day has come and we areembarking on our dream....

Robert ~ BVI Saba Rock

Hi! I am Robert Elizarraz.

I love the water and have been in it, on it or next to it my entire life.

My father got me into boating at a young age and have enjoyed many boats from rivers to lakes and now oceans.

Father of three wonderful adults and stepfather to 2 more wonderful young adults I helped raise, I have been blessed with a wonderful family and friends still living in Southern California.

When Covid hit we left California for South Florida and the beautiful warm waters and boating community sealed the deal, we bought a home on the ICW with a dock in Delray Beach Fl.  

We tried to decide on what vessel would fit our goals and after an exhausting year of zig & zag we ended up in Dana Point California at a funny named boat business named NORDHAVN.

The 55-foot seemed like it might be too big for just us two to handle, but we were quickly introduced to other Nordhavn owners that Captained their own vessels and so we decided to go for it.

A couple weeks of intense training with “Captain-Bernie” and we left on Odyssey to Key West and then to the Bahamas, with no training captain……. ( We got this Karina?  Yes, we got it!)

I have been an entrepreneur my entire life 45+ years and couldn’t quit working until I committed myself to offshore travel and adventures and purchased our vessel Odyssey N55-46.

My passions: scuba diving, spear fishing, motorcycles, kayaking, biking, hiking, yoga, fine wines, any wines, champagne a good cocktail, and friendly banter on just about any topic except politics…

My goals: To have fun with no schedule, travel to places that are enjoyable, make new boat friends, and invite our family & friends to join us somewhere in the world on Odyssey and join the adventure of offshore life.

If you see us out there say hello!

Captain Robert